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Bilder von der Moto Guzzi Stelvio


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Keine Bilder, sondern gleich drei Filme hat RideApart auf den USA eingestellt. Von einem italienischen Stelviofahrer.

Andrea Livio is an Italian film maker who’s embarked on that most epic of journeys — riding a motorcycle around the world. Onboard his Moto Guzzi Stelvio, he’s starting and finishing at Italy’s famous Stelvio pass before sailing to Bogota, riding through North America, back through South America, then heading over to Africa. Luckily for us, he’s documenting the whole thing with fast-paced, creative videos.


Teils sind solche Kommentare zu den Videos:

These are intensely good. I hope Guzzi is paying this man well, you simply cannot get better advertising or credibility than this!
This sets a new standard for the modern day Easy Rider. Bravo.
made my day, great filming and editing and soundtrack,
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